thatGIRL![]() Shikin J&D Pte Ltd
Monday, December 31, 2007hey yall! its the new year eve 2dae. aww, so much thing had happen. i can't believe 2007 gonna be history in a few hours time. lots of things had happen to me. it's where i've to stress myself over SYF and also the O'level. hmm...let me see... in the early 2007, i was occupied with the SYF stuff for band. being a major is tough for me. attendance attitude problems...haiz. im happy that everything has ended. then after all the stress from band, it's my exams. didn't take my exams seriously till the last minute. just when O'level drew near, then i started to focus. i can't believe it. well, im very happy for 2007. it's the year where me and my besties get to bond closer. we went for swimming, outing and PARTIES! gonna miss all the fun that i had with my besties. especially the SEOUL GARDEN outing. thats where we had all our wild and craps done. now that we are going on our separate ways, i just hope that we will NEVER, NEVER FORGET EACH OTHER. well, my mind is kind of blank. i've been home-alone the whole day. no one to chat with, no one to play with.... all my frens are busy with their own stuff except me. i wonder if they'll remember me after today. some times when im alone is my room, i cried. cried out of being lonely? or what? i just dunnoe why i kept crying every time i think of the future. i could even feel that my heart was actually aching. i kept telling myself that i must go on no matter what. so what if i have lots of friends. not all will call me for a chat. or even ask me out to hang out. some times i felt very dissappointed with some of my friends. all i nid is just a one true friend who will always be there for me. but i was wrong. instead, i have 5 true friends in my life. im lucky that i have my one and only frens. ROSE, HERDA, MUS, YT and GLENN. i feel very easy to be with them. well although we didn't really keep in contact with each other..... they still care for each other. at least they make an attempt to plan out an outing. and would call each and everyone of us to make sure that we're free on that particular day. when one of us was in trouble, we would always be there to support each other. i can't believe it happened so fast. ROSE: THE BALLERINA AND THE SMARTY. THE GURL WHO LOVES TO HAVE NAIL-POLISH. HERDY: THE SUPER DUPER HYPER GURL. THE GURL WHO LOVES TO SMILE WIDELY. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY PAPARAZZI. YT: THE ARTIST. I LOVE ALL YOUR MASTER PIECE. HOPE YOU'LL BE A TRUE ARTIST IN THE FUTURE. GLENN: MY ONE TRUE FRENS, WELL MORE LIKE MY YOUNGER BROTHERTO ME. WE'VE BEEN FRIENDS FOR 10 YEARS?? OMG. THATS LONG MAN.... MUSSY: THE DANCEAHOLIC. THE GUY WHO JUST CAN'T STOP DANCING AND OF COURSE HIS CRAP. MY LOVELY PEOPLE: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING MY TRUE FRIEND. IM VERY PROUD TO HAVE YOU GUYS AS MY BESTIES. SERIOUSLY, IM GONNA MISS ALL THE FUN AND CRAP THAT WE HAD IN SCHOOL AND OUTSIDE TOGETHER. HOW I WISH WE COULD GO TO PRE-U TOGETHER BUT I KNOW THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. BUT NEVER MIND. ALL OF YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY MEMORY AND EVEN IN MY HEART. FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU GUYS. ALL THE BEST IN EVERYTHING YOU DO AND PLEASE, DON'T GIVE UP HOPE NO MATTER WHAT AITE? MUACKZ! till then, i wish all of you out there.... HAPPY NEW YEAR! MAY THE COMING YEAR BE THE BEST EVER. MAY YOU HAVE A BLESSING YEAR AND A HAPPY LIFE. STAY AWAY FROM DANGER AND ALWAYS TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF AITE? MISS ME LOADS. your one and only frens.... SHIKIN THE CRAPPY.....=) Sunday, December 30, 2007had a X'MAS PARTY yesterday at Rose's.... it was very very fun. well not as fun like the previous party.... we didn't dance much but took a lot of pics instead. this time, the ladies wear exchanging presents was very fun. Herdy brought a small X'mas tree for Rose, which turn out to be our X'mas tree... most of the pics were candid and it was taken at the playground? haha... but it was very chaotic when come to taking pictures... sadly Rose didnt get to send us off coz she still got other frenz to attend to.... TO MY ONE AND ONLY PEOPLE: THANKS ALOT FOR THE PRESSIE. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT ALOT. IT DOESN'T MATTER TO ME HOW MUCH IT COST. IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS. LUV YALL LOADS! LETS HAVE MORE GATHERING OKAY?...MUACKZ =) TODAY?! well didn't turn out as i expected. went out to meet my dearest NCO mates. apparently our dearest Sherri didn't turn up. we had to wait for her for about half and hour before we carry on our outing. well, though it was only three of us there, im really glad that i met them. well it's been 1 YEAR PLUS since i last saw them. ok, time to make the 2nd plan. this time i'll make sure that all the NCO mates that IM CLOSE WITH, will come. I DON'T CARE HOW BUSY YOU ARE. YOU MUST COME NO MATTER WHAT! hehe, haven plan yet lar but i've an idea of what to do... till then, have a nice day! Friday, December 28, 2007five days left till school reopen. my brain is as retarded as i am... all the craps are in my brain rather than the good knowledge. damn! i wonder how it'll be when sch reopen... haiz...must start refreshing my brain oredi. sometimes i wonder what will happen to me in the future. especially after the O'lvl results. will i ever get to go to JC? or should i just stay in MI? will my friendship with my besties last long? sometimes i just can't help but to think that when we got into new schools and meet new friends, we might forget about each other. just like what happen to our primary school friends. i dont want this to happen between me and my besties. all the fun that i had with my besties will never be forgotten. 2mr will be going to a party at Rose's house. gonna make this a memorable party. sadly two of our regular frens cant make it to the party 2mr.... i can't think of what to type anymore... i leave you with this pics which i find it sweet... ![]() Wednesday, December 26, 2007haiz.... wat a day i had... a day full of boredom and DIET? ahah, i didn't even had a proper meal today... parents and sis working, me? jobless... got nothing to eat. even if i want to cook also got nothing to cook. the refrigerators was so damn empty... theres not much ingredients tat i can cook a meal for me... so i've to wait till mom come back from work... and guess wat, she didn't cook dinner... so it turn out tat i had to eat biscuit with coffee... damn am i hungry now... no lunch and dinner?! wow... actually it does happen lots of time when moms lazy to cook..... i'll have to sacrifice by just eating biscuit or worse eat nothing but just drink coffee... yeah, coffee is my buddy. everytime got nothing to eat, i'll just drink coffee... everytime i drank coffee, it will make me sleep... thats will help me from thinking of food...muahaha i'll be busy this weekend... Saturday: PARTY AT ROSE'S HOUSE... Sunday: NCOs OUTING..... 6 days left till sch reopen. haiz, will have to wake up early in the morning and make a long trip to tat damn far school.... which is at Bukit Batok, abt 30 - 45 mins journey.... muahaha.... till then, Crappy Sane.... Tuesday, December 25, 2007![]() MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!! yeah it's christmas today and everyone is enjoying the day full of surprises, happiness and joy. a celebration with a happy family and friends and most of all a HAPPY FACE! i may not know much about christmas but to me it just the same like Hari Raya. the only diff is christmas, people exchanging pressie while Hari Raya, people don't give pressie but to seek forgiveness to each other... it's still the same lar, whole family gather together and celebrate with joy... how i wish i could celebrate christmas but im a muslim.... eh wait, i can celebrate. i just need friends to gather together and have a christmas party! yeah... instead of drinking those alcoholic drinks which is illegal for me....we could drink non-alcoholic drink which is the SPARKLING JUICE! MUAHAHA!!! btw im already invited to a christmas party this Saturday..hehex but i want more. seeing all the happy faces will make me feel happy especially my dearest friends... till then... MAY YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! your one and only, Miss Crappy Kinne... Monday, December 24, 2007HEY PPL! HERES THE PIXS TO THE AJC & CJC COMBINED CONCERTS! ![]() THE COMBINED BAND...... ![]() THE ONE AND ONLY NCO MATES.... the rotten carrot and the crappy kinne.... ![]() OK THIS TIME IT'S CAROL AND ME.... ![]() CAROL, ME AND MUS (the paparazzi) STARTING FROM HERE ONWARDS IS THE "STORY" OF WAT HAPPENED ON TAT DAY... BEFORE THE CONCERTS.... ![]() ![]() Que and Me.... ![]() Mus and Que ![]() like the stairs too much lar... ![]() ok, looks like i wanna break the handle of the stairs while Que? hmm, more to egypt style... ![]() eh? hehe... ![]() my lovely seniors who taught me how to play Clarinet... the first senior to teach me.... ![]() DURING THE CONCETS.... ![]() THE EMPTY STAGE...... ![]() THE BAND WHILE PLAYING.... IF YOU LOOK CAREFULLY, THEY WERE WEARING A CHRISTMAS HAT! ![]() ONE OF THE "RAINDEER" GIVING OUT SWEETS, WHICH IS MENTOS.... ![]() US WHILE WAITING FOR THE CONCERT.... ![]() NICOLE, ZIXIN AND ME.... ![]() THE CROWDS DURING INTERVAL.... ![]() THE CROWDS AGAIN... ![]() THE SEATS?! AHAH.... ![]() THE CROWDS OUTSIDE.... ![]() AGAIN, THE CROWDS...BUSY CHIT-CHATTING.... ![]() CAN YOU SPOT CAROL? EASY RITE? carol don't get angry coz i don't know why he took this pics of you with your fren... think he too crazy about taking pics...hehe AFTER THE CONCERTS.... ![]() ME AND QUE... HMM.... THIS IS WAT I WAS TRYING TO TELL.... ME STEPPING ON HIS JEANS...HMM LOOKS MORE LIKE KICKING HIM..... THANKS ALOT MUSSY...... till then have a nice day and... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Saturday, December 22, 2007weeks left till school reopen.... haven had my skirt auter yet, skirt too big oredi, must make smaller abit... Herdy, Rose, Glenn and Mus! when are we going for our bag shopping huh? christmas is coming and so the new year... yes i know everyone is busy.... i just hope that u guys will give me call or something... AND NOW IM WAITING FOR MY PAPARAZZI TO SEND ME THE PHOTOS THAT WE TOOK YESTERDAY........MUS, HURRY UP CAN?! IM WAITING...... Friday, December 21, 2007WAT A FUN AND CRAPPY DAY! went to catch a concert at Republic Cultural Centre. AJC and CJC had a performance there... IT WAS AN AWESOME CONCERT!!! me and Mus was like crazy during the concert. we cheered, shout and go sort of WILD.... During the interval, Mus start his PAPARAZZI. tooks pictures here and there, too excited i guess... inside the hall, me and Mus kept shouting Carol's name. but dunnoe why Carol told me that she didn't hear anyone shouting her name... wah i heartbrake sia...hehe jkjk... but we still carry on shouting... there were a few pieces that i like the most... they are MARCH "BLUE SKY", STABAT MATER DOLOROSA, T'WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AMERICAN GRAFFITI XVI OLDIES and THEME FROM BATTLE WITHOUT HONOUR & HUMANITY.... these pieces really entertained me alot in which our crazyness starts.... ok, heres the crap that me and Mus had... after the concert, we took some pics at RP... all the pics was a crazy post. in one of the pics i actually put my slippers on his jeans... then as we walk down to Causeway..... we were deciding of wat to have for dessert... so i suggested STARRBUCKS but Mus heard it as CARPARK! followed by our crapness.... PARK PARK PARK BUCK BUCK BUCK BUG BUG BUG! scream and laugh along the road.... i think we had too much fun during the concert. thats why we go crazy.... i think whoever join me and Mus will confirm become crazy... why? coz we love to make craps and enjoy ourself... so if you wan to have hyper ppl, tell me and im sure i call my gang to be there...hehe TO MY DEAREST NCO MATES, CAROL..... the concert was awesome. i really enjoyed it. eventhough we didn't really get to chat that much, im glad to meet're still as tall as ever huh? wats your height? i feel like im getting shorter sia... can't you get shorter while i get taller? hehe.... ouh and your younger sister was very cute.... anyway, thanks alot for telling me about this concert. gonna miss all the excitement there. wish it never end. hope to have some NCO gathering soon. ouh yeah, i try pray hard so that i can join AJC. CAN I JUST JOIN THE BAND INSTEAD OF THE SCHOOL? hehex...=) till then, your one and only... Miss Crappy Sane... Thursday, December 20, 2007SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI! as years goes by, the Hari Raya Puasa/Haji celebrations will be getting earlier and earlier.... today woke up early to help out in the kitchen. Dad's side came to my house for the celebration. it was so chaotic...babies crying, kids shouting and running ard, adults laughing and talking. Cik Wati brought TURKEY for us to eat! damn, it was sooo not so nice...hehex some say taste like fish, while others say taste like chicken... to me, it's all the fish like chicken...hahax Cik Edah brought a home-made CHEESE CAKE and MIX CHEESE TART... hmm, yummy! but can't eat too much, too fattening... after everyone came and eat... it's time to chit-chat.... when clock strikes 4.30pm! everyone eyes fixed to the TV... why? coz it's ASIAN IDOL mah.... sis was so angry tat the show ended at 8.30pm... everyone didn't leave till the show end... by then sis show her tentrum oredi as she wanted to go out be feel kind of rude to leave....haiz after the whole thing, den we get to eat,late dinner... can't help it lar... so long didn't see each other, especially my Granny... aniway, will be going out to catch a concert 2mr... so might not be playing my VooDoo game at night... To My Dearest NCO mates, Carol the Rotten Carrot.... im looking forward for the concert 2mr. it's been a long time since we last met. it's like 1year plus? we must take lots of pics ok? so open your eyes BIG BIG when searching for me, i may be playing tricks on you..hehex. and thanks alot for the name but im not called tat...=) till then, ur one and only... Miss Crappy Sane..... Wednesday, December 19, 2007hey...sori for not updating this blog... well been busy taking care of mom coz she's sick... im so damn worried if she were to be admitted to hospitals... dear god, pls dont let this happen.... ok,lets update shall we? MONDAY woke up early in the morning just to go to Aunt house at Potong Pasir. i was like wow when i see St.Andrews School. cant believe my cousin study in that school. went to Little India with mom and aunt. damn am i so angry with them... so naggy and troublesome... TUESDAY suppose to wake up at my own timing but was awaken by mom... she felt pain in her chest so i had to accompany her to the doctor... the rest of the day was playing the VOODOO games... TODAY is the eve of HARI RAYA HAJI. i don't know why but i kept getting angry with mom... early in the morning had to go to the market... evening ard 4plus had to head down to Yio Chu Kang to get food from Aunt. after that ard 6pm had to go out again to collect another food... all these are for HARI RAYA HAJI. i got so irritated if i were given a task one by one just like today... grr... To Mr MaddMuss: i noe you feel sad about ur results but that doesn't mean you have to give up... come on Mus i know you can do it. you'll have my support in everything you do... if you need any help in your studies, feel free to call me, ok? and...YOU STILL OWE ME COFFEE...when? Saturday, December 15, 2007wat's up people..hex. 2 weeks left till school re-open sia... im soo happy tat i get to enter to MI..but, the course given to me was not wat i wanted. i was given a commerce course aka business.... haiz but nvm, i'll give it a try, who knows it might be interesting..... aniway, yesterday i was suppose to slack at home... but i bump into Kamiyah, Farah and Bryan at the supermarket.. they inviited me to Kam's house to bake cookies... well it was very fun...ZiQi became our machine..hehex.. i show u the pics then u'll understand.. FIRST ATTEMP... SECOND ATTEMP..... THIRD ATTEMP... THE RANDOM... ouh ya....ZiQi is also the "FATIMAH", cleaner of the day!!! till, have a nice day everyone...=) Thursday, December 13, 2007woowee.... my wet and wild date yesterday turn out to be great! the weather is on our side so we play in the pool from about 1pm till 5pm? well didn't really check out the time... we had loads of fun, played the ULAR-LAR lots of time, went through the dark-dark slide, the open slide, the SHIOK-POOL and most of all, the BUBBLE POOL!!!! the bubble pool was so awesome. you could actually wrestle with your fren and of course DANCE! how i wish this will never end. after swimming, went to eat dinner at CASANOVA. hate the food. the noodle is so soggy sia... never want to eat there again except for the hotdogs..! hehex... we end off the day with my FOOT aching. ( we ran ard too much and worse of all, the floor there SUCKS!) Today? nothing much to do. stayed at home to rest and of course play my VOODOO game!!! till then Miss Crappy Sane, chiaos..=) Sunday, December 09, 2007how should i put this...hmm. yesterday, when i just switch on my comp...i heard a sound. a sound that made me freak out and shock! MY SPEAKER EXPLODED?! well, heh, maybe not exploded. but it freak me out...! lucky there's no fire or smell of something burning... fhew....but then!!!! I CAN'T LISTEN TO MUSIC!!!!! damn am i super duper angry.... dun care wat's causes it, I WAN NEW SPEAKER!!!! grrr.... it's been raining for days as you can see.... December is a raining season and Christmas is drawing nearer.... ooo, i just love during christmas season.... those celebrating christmas are busy cleaning their house, finding suitable well, as to those who are not celebrating, well, hehex... enjoy themself with the discount offered, watch good programmes on TV and most of all.... sleep in a nice and cozy bedroom with air-con switch, wrap around with thick and fluffy love it....hahax TO ALL MY FRENZ OUT THERE.... PLEASE, PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF AITE? well, 2mr i've a WET & WILD DATE.... so i wont get to play my VOODOO that much... i wonder how things will be for 2mr since it rain non-stop... ahh..don care, must enjoy myself no matter wat.... To Ms Herdy Vati : Hari Raya Haji falls on the 20th december lar gurl..... the ppl tat lift up my spirits.... chioas =) |
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