thatGIRL![]() Shikin J&D Pte Ltd
Wednesday, January 30, 2008damn i miss blogging. haiz, my comp kind of "SICK" for the pass few days.... and i manage to cure it like today...hahax well PE was very very fun 2dae. had to run 3 rounds ard the track den played captain/netball with the girls from diff class. after the whole thing, we had our very own games in the sch hall during our long breaks. apparently, the air-con was not on. so, yeah... played volleyball with the galz. it was so much fun and chaotic. i love PE... haiz, few weeks left b4 we get separated.... gonna miss them alot man.... wish they could stay so that we can have lots of fun 2gether..... ![]() i love you 08S2 ladies! Saturday, January 26, 2008alright ppl... i've made up my mind..... im going to MI to study and get that damn A'level certs. after that hmm.... if i really really do well and have enough money, i'll continue my studies in universities. if not i'll get myself a job to earn more money to support my sch fees.... if i dont do well, in which i hope it won't happen, i will try to appeal for poly. in other words, i go TP for Diploma in Culinary & Catering Management. my dream is actually to be a great chef! so long as i can be a great chef, i dont mind going through a long journey of studies. so i really hope that one day, i became a great chef and open my own restaurant. hmm.....with the support from my frens, im sure that i can do it! yeah...SHIKIN CAN DO IT! here lies the problem with me... i just can't decide where to go... should i go MI or poly? i've been thinking for the past 2 days and i still can't decide. okok, i found which courses i want in poly... but i just can't figure out which to put as my 1st choice..... hmm, lets see... theres some pros and cons.... lets sae i want go MI.... i must really work hard in my studies towards A'level. but then base on my O'level results and my standard, i find it sort of useless... if i go poly, i've to complete all the modules and get a diploma cert. then i can easily get a job.... but if i dont do well in poly, i wont get a good diploma certs... ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!THIS IS SO IRRITATING! i got abt 2 days left....i must made up my mind b4 monday..... grr.....where should i go? MI or poly? ![]() Shir, we're in the same boat....lets get rid of that CHAR SIEW BAO in our throat together....:) Thursday, January 24, 2008![]() how could it be? why did it turn out this way? its so unexpected.... well, did worst than my prelim... im so damn disappointed with my science..... but at least im still eligible for MI. but if i dont get MI, i will go poly.... haiz, what to have to move on... im not gonna retake, its a waste of my tym.... i dont want to have the same mistakes.... TO THOSE WHO WERE THERE TO CONFORT ME: I REALLY APPREICIATE U ALL...THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I WOULD BE STILL CRYING IF NO ONE WERE THERE TO CONFORT ME. SO GUYS/GALS, DONT WORRY. IM FINE NOW....U GUYS MUST WORK HARD FOR UR STUDIES OK? DONT BE LIKE ME..... till then, have a nice day... NO HOPE NO LOVE NO GLORY, NO HAPPY ENDING..... Monday, January 21, 20083 days left...damn! how worried can i be? gheesh.... wonder wat i get se....i really hope i pass.... argh!!!!!!! aniway, my comp is back to normal oredi. actually, i was kind of going violent on the comp so went dead for the whole night yesterday. and now, to my surprise, it came back alive...haha. okok....i really nid to get myself a brand new computer man.... anyone can recommend me where to get new comp? a branded/good comp at a cheaper price??? haiz.... Saturday, January 19, 2008ITS PICTURES TIME!!!!!! STARTING WITH THE CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!!! ME, ROSE AND MEL.... THIS PICS WAS TAKEN IN THE DARK OK! YT AND ME....PLUS HERDY AT THE SIDE... STONE HERDY AND CRAZY ME....HAHAX ![]() MEL, ME AND GLENN.... ![]() NAUGHTY ME AND GLENN BULLYING HERDY'S BUTT! MUAHAHA.... ![]() ROSE AND ME WHILE DANCING i think!...hehe. ISN'T IT LOOK LIKE A WALLPAPER? FRENS FOR 10 YRS....STILL AS CHILDISH AS EVER...! ![]() GROUP PHOTO AT THE SMALL KIDS PLAYGROUND.... ![]() ANOTHER GROUP PHOTO AT ROSIES HOUSE.... AND NOW........ THE LIFE OF ME WHILE WAITING FOR Os...... ![]() LORNA, ROSE AND ME.... ![]() SAME PEOPLE..... ROSIE SHOWING OFF HER "MUSCLE" ![]() ME AND MUSSY! I MISS U BUDDY! LETS DANCE AGAIN! ![]() OUR VERY OWN MODERN ART! AND NOT FORGETTING MY VERY OWN CLASSMATES! ![]() DELAILA, CAI SHI, SHAQIIRAH, SHIRLYNN, ME AND HERDY.... ![]() ANOTHER SHOT..... ![]() 08S2! about 2 weeks left for the PAE period.... im soo gonna miss them once we got separated.... till then....bye2 Friday, January 18, 2008how time flies really fast. i can believe its FRIDAY oredi and its like the 3rd week of schooling in MI. so far, the only days i love the most is MONDAY and FRIDAY. ouh and on WEDNESDAY too except during GP lesson...hahax going to MI really help me to exercise coz every lessons is located at diff classroom. its like going travelling from one place to another for every change of lessons. but during our break rite.... u will never get a seat if you're late... the canteen will always be full except on MONDAY! hahax... i miss going for band prac but i just cant help myself for not going.... why? simple, im too lazy to go...haha if not, i will be hanging out with the ladies somewhere in S'PORE...muahaha let me introduce some of my classmates that i always hang out with during the break.... SHAQIRAH: THE ONE WHO LOVE TO WATCH AND WANTING TO TRY TO TALK TO THE AUTISTIC BOY. FIONA: JUST LIKE SHAQIRAH BUT SHE LOVE TO LOUGH ALOT..... CARMEN: THE GIRL WHO NEVER FAILS TO EAT DURING BREAK. I WONDER HOW SHE MANAGE TO STAND IN THE DAMN LONG QUEUE.... DELAILA: THE ONE WHO ARE SO EXCITED TO EVERYTHING. U ASK HER BOUT SOMETHING OR JOIN IN FOR SOMETHING, SHE WILL CONFIRM GET EXCITED...AND SHE WOULD ALWAYS BRING HOME-COOKED FOOD TO SCH....IT'S SO TEMPTING LAR... CAI SHI: THE GIRL WHO JUST CAN'T STOP SAYING THIS, "IM GONNA DIE" OR "PLZ KILL ME". DON'T SHE HAVE ANITHING ELSE TO SAE? SHIRLYNN: THE HAHA AND GONG GONG GIRL. OK NOT THAT GONG GONG LAR. SHEs MY FAV VICTIM AND ALSO MY AUDIENCE...EVERY TIME I WILL NEVER FAIL ENTERTAIN HER. OUH AND SHES A VERY GOOD NETBALL PLAYER TOO...HER FAV QUOTE: "I THINK" , "HAHA"(in sms)..... HERDY: IM SURE YOU KNOE HER RITE? SHES MY CLASSMATE TOO. EVERY TIME DURING LESSONS I WILL NEVER FAIL POKING HER. WHY? SIMPLE....JUST TO MAKE SURE THAT SHE WON'T SLEEP IN CLASS...HAHAX and u noe what? one thing thats very interesting bout MT lessons is that we always play BINGO whenever we're free... infact, we play it almost every lessons...muahaha ouh, i just love the ppl...... aniway, i heard that results will be release on next FRIDAY? so scared sia.... hope i'll get gd results.... till den, bye2 Monday, January 14, 2008ROAR!!!!!!! schs getting crazier den ever.... more assigments given to us, the teachers are like BORING! and im getting PANDA EYES!!!! grr.... had lunch at NP with the ladies... suppose to have my BRIYANI DATE with the GANG but some of them couldn't make it, haiz... wonder when will i have my BRIYANI DATE.... i want go bag shopping lar!!! Rosie! u better make a date with me ASAP! im getting impatient oredi. gonna be HALF-DEAD 2mr.... bye2.... Saturday, January 12, 2008hello people....sori for not blogging for so long. have been busy with school and also taking care of my mom. well last Saturday, mom met with an accident. dunnoe how it happened but it's a serious and weird accident. mom was a passenger in a taxi. the taxi got skidded and lucky no cars was behind them. the weirdest thing was how can my mom got injured so badly INSIDE the taxi??!! and the taxi driver was NOT INJURED at all?! well the mystery is still unsolve.... aniway, she had to stay in hospital for about five days. so for the past three days, ( from Monday till Wednesday), i've to travel from bukit batok to TTSH which is at Novena..... now shes at home and me & sis will have to take good care of her. gonna be tiring for me since i started schooling oredi. ouh and i've to take turn with sis to do housework and cooking. ok, lets talk about school. hmm, lets see... has been great studying in MI. im awake during Physics and Maths lesson but... im half-dead during Chem, GP and MT lessons...hehe the teachers are great. i could actually understand all of the lessons tought eventhough im half-dead sometimes... ouh yeah, MI is the only school that starts late. on Monday, we start at 9.10am. while on Tuesday - Friday, we starts at 8am. cool huh? but i still nid to wake up early coz the school is far.... ok, almost every day i ate lunch outside with the new frenz that i've made. well majority of them are from CHIJ. it's very fun to hang out wif them after school. the more we hang out together, the more our friendship grew. but i still miss the very same ppl that i used to hang out with. i wish we could hang out again, i miss them so much.... ok, i shall stop here with a pics. THE LADIES.... ![]() im missing you guys already. wish we could be just like last time.... ~shikin the crappy kinne~ Saturday, January 05, 2008at last here i am blogging. have been busy these few days. yeah you know, sch reopen and i got posted to MILLENNIA INSTITUTES. the school may look big but its not that really big. the MULTI-PURPOSE HALL is AIR-CONDITION. cool huh? had my orientation camp for the last 3 days. its damn fun and exciting. my clan, THE ADAMS FAMILY! we had games, mass dance and more. the only thing i hate the most was the catered food. theres a complain that the food got worm? man! first day of camp was not really fun. just some boring talks, tour ard the sch and clan interaction. to my surprise, students from GOOD SCH came to MI. i saw alot from CHIJs. even St Pats and Gabs were there.... second day is the best and tiring day. the whole day was playing games. we had scavenger hunt, mystery games and of course the MI DANCE! the mystery game really freak me out. this game is to find a murderer and we have to go round the sch to ask qns on the character involve in the murder. tell you the truth, its really scary coz oni certain lights were switch on. the MI DANCE is the best, which is actually TENGO! yeah, you dance with the boys. so, the third day is the final day. had our final mass dance and the finale. our mascot was "ADAM AND HIS WIFE". you know, the cartoon of the adams family? yeah... my clan, which is THE ADAMS FAMILY, won the BEST CHEER! yay!!!! the whole things ends ard 1 plus... had lunch at PASTAMANIA with Rose, Christine, Wen Shuen, Kenneth, Lorna and another CHIJ girl. TODAY. went back to sch to see the band and to collect my EAGLES AWARD. to my surprise, the band is so small but they have improve! gd job. the band performed a so called MILITARY PERFORMANCE. the formation is nice but not enough people. after that went to eat at SAKURA with the same bandits that i always ate after band prac. and here i am blogging. think i won't be blogging on weekdays. if i free, i blog.... kk? tired oredi....bye2 |
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